NOVEMBER 17, 2015

Join us for our first in a series of public lectures on the gems and minerals. Tonights talk is by geologist/mineralogist Walter Lombardo, of Nevada Mineral & Book Company in Orange, CA, who will discuss color in diamonds:

"Fancy colored diamonds have become quite popular in recent years. Some have always been greatly valued, but others, until recently, were considered to be too common or unattractive for jewelry. Changing economic conditions and customer taste has had a great impact on the colored diamond market. Interest in the color of diamonds has spurred serious research into the nature of color, but not all the answers are yet known. Mode of formation and trace element chemistry are important factors in the formation of these unusual gems. Certain colors are more common in particular types of diamond deposits. We will examine the various colors in diamonds, and summarize the most likely cause of each color. Rarity and valuation of each color will also be discussed, as well as artificial color enhancements which are sometimes used to increase the price or desirability of a diamond." 

Walter Lombardo is a geologist with more than 30 years experience in mining and mineral exploration. He has lectured nationwide on topics related to mineral resources, gemology and mineralogy.

Every month we will be having special events, bringing you the best from the gem and jewelry industry. Our extensive connections to the leading jewelry designers, master gem cutters, gem miners and gem dealers will give you unparalleled access to the best the industry has to offer.  Check our page frequently for news of upcoming events.  Future events will include Colombian emeralds, gemstones of Brazil, Oregon sunstones and Australian opal.e your paragraph here.


Colored Diamond Talk

​Thursday, Dec. 3, 7:00pm - 8:30pm.

Monthly Lectures and Special Events.

Contact Us

​​​GALERIE de la Terre

​Orange, California 

342 S. Tustin Street, Orange, CA  92866

          +1.714.633.1549          galeriedelaterre@aol.com